SDC calls for including Res 2254 in Syria-Arab states normalization

RAQQA, Syria (North Press) – The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) called, during a meeting of its Executive Body, on Wednesday, for the UN Resolution No. 2254 to be included in the agenda of Arab countries for normalizing ties with Syria.

The SDC called for an active participation of the representatives of the Syrian people without exceptions, and determining the Syrian government’s responsibilities.

The SDC is the political wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). It was founded in 2015 and includes all the communities of North and East Syria.

During its meeting, the SDC Executive Committee stressed the importance of the Arab community in playing a vital rule in the Syrian crisis, and called for a comprehensive political settlement.

The SDC discussed the causes and motives of Arab normalization with the Syrian government, since the international community considers dealing with Arab countries more effective and positive than dealing with Turkey and the countries of the Astana Peace Talks.

The Astana Peace Talks process to end the conflict in Syria was launched in January 2017 at the initiative of Turkey, Russia and Iran.

The Executive Committee held the Syrian government responsible for slowing down international efforts to find a settlement for Syria, as well as accused it of claiming that lifting economic sanctions and reconstruction process are conditions for the return of refugees.

It called for efforts to continue to hold meetings between democratic forces and personalities, and to focus on the opposition national parties.

On December 18, 2015, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted the Resolution 2254 endorsing a road map and setting a timetable to the talks to take place in January 2016.

The resolution shaped a more active role for the UN as the forum for talks between the opposing sides regarding a political transition and set out a timetable for a ceasefire and elections. The political process under UN auspices called for the establishment of “credible, inclusive and non-sectarian governance” within six months and the drafting of a new constitution and holding of free elections within eighteen months.

Reporting by Ahmad Othman