11 civilians dead in ISIS massacre- Iraq

ERBIL, KRG, Iraq (North Press) – On Wednesday, the Iraqi Joint Operation Center announced that 11 civilians were killed in a bomb attack carried out by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Diyala governorate east Iraq.

“ISIS criminals attempt to go back once again to their desperate methods in targeting the innocent safe citizens after their failure in confronting our military and security forces,” the Operation Center said in a statement.

ISIS committed a terrorist attack on the village of al-Hawash in al-Muqdadiya area, Diyala governorate, killing 11 people and wounding a number of unarmed civilians, the statement added.

 The Joint Operation Center intensified pursuing ISIS fighters inside Iraq and said the battle against ISIS is “ongoing”

The Iraqi forces promised most severe punishment to the perpetrators to seek justice for the victims.

Reporting by Hassan Haji