SDF members lost lives in Turkish drone attack in Syria’s Kobani

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – Three of our fighters lost lives in Kobani, north Syria, due to Turkish drone attack, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on Sunday.

“On Saturday morning, October 23, three of our fighters head from Sirrin town to the city of Kobani for treatment. When they were on the way back, they were attacked by a Turkish drone,” the SDF said in statement.

“As a result of the attack, our fighters Hozan Qamishlo, Guleh Halab and Amed afrin were martyred,” the SDF statement added,

On October 20, a Turkish drone targeted the car of the co-chair of Social Justice of the Autonomous Administration in Kobani, Bakr Jarada.   

Reporting by Muhammad al-Qadi