4 killed in Turkish drone strike on Syria’s Ain Issa

AIN ISSA, Syria (North Press) – On Friday, four civilians were killed in a drone strike by Turkish forces on the village of al-Dibs, 7 km west of the town of Ain Issa, north of Raqqa, in northern Syria.

A medical source from Ain Issa said that the Turkish forces’ drones targeted a car carrying four civilians heading towards the town.

The source added that the four civilians died instantly.

On September 6, a civilian was wounded in a shelling by the Turkish forces and the affiliated opposition factions on the village of al-Khalidiya, 5 km west of the town of Ain Issa.

On August 4, four people from one family lost their lives, and two others were injured, as a result of the bombing of the Turkish forces and the opposition factions on their house in the countryside of Ain Issa.

On March 19, a child lost his life and five other civilians were wounded in Turkish forces and the Turkish-backed armed opposition factions bombardment on the southern countryside of the town of Ain Issa.

The Turkish armed forces and their affiliated armed opposition factions have regularly bombed and attempted to infiltrate Ain Issa and its surroundings since last year. Ain Issa sits along the M4 Highway, on the front lines between the SDF and Turkish-backed armed factions.

Dozens of civilians have been killed and injured by Turkish and opposition attacks, including children, despite the presence of Russian soldiers which are supposed to enforce the ceasefire agreement signed between Russia and Turkey in October 2019.

Reporting by Ammar Abdulatif