Syrian regime runs election according to 2012 constitution: Syrian politician

RAQQA, Syria (North Press) – Syrian presidential elections are illegitimate and run according to the outdated 2012 constitution, head of the Future Syria Party Ibrahim al-Qaftan said on Thursday.

On April 18, the Syrian People’s Assembly set the date for the country’s presidential elections on May 26.

The Damascus government’s insistence on holding these elections during this stage is clear evidence of its rejection of the political solution, al-Qaftan told North Press.

He questioned the credibility of this election, “since more than 16 million Syrians are living outside Syrian regime-held areas.”

Meanwhile, Syrian presidential elections, which are supposed to be hold in May, is met with broad-scale international refusal, at the time, UN Envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, said that these elections are not a part of the UN adopted political process.

“Though the UN, Russia, US, and others adopted UN Resolution 2254, the first provision of which stipulates the formation of a transitional government, drafting of a new constitution and holding of elections, the Syrian regime is still adopting the 2012 constitution that was not approved by Syrians,” al-Qaftan added.

The Syrian regime will run the elections according to the mentality that preceded the Syrian uprising, while Syrians are searching for stability and salvation from the economic crisis that Syria is going through, according to him.

It is worth mentioning that Syrian government has not begun to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, which must be solved through UN platforms and the Constitutional Committee, he explained.

Days ago, the Constitutional Court in Damascus announced names of three candidates to run in the May presidential elections in Syria out of 51, of which 48 were rejected because they failed to meet constitutional and legal requirements according to Chief of the Supreme Constitutional Court Mohammad Jihad al-Lahham.

Reporting by Amar Abdullatif – Fayyad Muhammad