Syria’s Daraa witnesses three killing cases resulting in clashes

DARAA, Syria (North Press) – The eastern countryside of Daraa Governorate, southern Syria, witnessed three killing cases of three people, including a woman, by unknown assailants, resulting in clashes and unrest.

A local source told North Press that Anas Muhammad al-Hamed al-Zoebi, his brother Qosay and his wife were shot dead by unknown assailants in the village of Neimiyeh in the eastern countryside of Daraa.

The source added, “Anas and Qosay, who hail from the town of al-Taebah in Daraa eastern countryside, operated within the ranks of the Eight Brigade of the Military Intelligence of the government forces.”

The Eighth Brigade was established on the ruins of the Shabab al-Sunna faction headed by Ahmad al-Awda of the Syrian opposition during its control of southern Syria.

The Eighth Brigade has been assigned by Russia for several missions over the past years, the first of which was in Yarmouk Basin area and hunting down the remnants of the Islamic State (ISIS).

The source noted that accusation finger is addressed to Fayez al-Radi group, a drug ring of the government Military Security Branch.

The two killed brother are said to be behind the killing of al-Radi in al-Taebah on March 8.

The assailants, after killing the two brothers and the lady, celebrated the killing by firing into the air in the village of Nasib.

Later, armed men affiliated to the Eight Brigade raided headquarters of the government Military Security Branch in Nasib, resulting in clashes between the two parties.

The clashes, which lasted over an hour, were carried out on the back of killing Anas and his brother Qosay.

So far, North Press has not obtained information about casualties as local sources said that tension was still ongoing.

Since the government forces re-captured Daraa in 2018, the governorate has been living in a state of insecurity, with daily assassinations targeting soldiers and officers of the government forces, as well as the spread of thefts.

In July 2018, the opposition armed factions and government forces reached a cease-fire agreement mediated by Russia in the opposition-held areas of Daraa Governorate. Under the deal, the opposition factions agreed to hand over their weapons in exchange for staying in Daraa. Those who opposed the agreement were sent to Idlib, which is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front).

Reporting by Ihsan Muhammad/Mo’ayed al-Ashqar