Turkey military convoys to Syria’s Idlib continue flowing

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – Turkish forces sent on Wednesday a military convoy, including logistical and military equipment, to the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria.

Military sources told North Press that the Turkish military convoy included more than 15 vehicles loading logistical and military equipment, and they entered Syrian territory through Kafr Losin border crossing with Turkey and headed to Turkish posts spread in Zawiya Mountain southern Idlib.  

On January 14, Turkish forces established its first helipad near its military base in the town of Balyoun in Zawiya Mountain, where around 55 Turkish posts are situated.

This is taking place despite efforts paid towards thawing ties between Syria and Turkey following meetings in Moscow Syria, Russia, Iran and Turkey.

Reports say that about 13,000 Turkish soldiers present in northwest Syria in addition to hundreds of military vehicles distributed to more than 60 military posts.

Turkey has been sending further military reinforcements to Idlib since early this year in tandem with simmering military tension between Syrian government forces and Russia on one hand and the Turkish-backed factions of the Syrian National Army (SNA) on the other.

Although the de-escalation zone in northwest Syria is subject to a Russian-Turkish ceasefire agreement signed in March 2020, the area witnesses frequent mutual bombardment between Syrian government forces and opposition factions accompanied by Russian warplanes’ flight despite the entry of the ceasefire into force.

In March 2020, Russia and Turkey reached an agreement in Moscow that stipulated a ceasefire, the establishment of a safe corridor, and the conduct of joint patrols on the M4/Aleppo-Latakia Highway.

Reporting by Mo’ayed al-Sheikh