Turkish military movements in NW Syria spark speculation

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – Turkish forces deployed at more than 60 military posts in areas controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in northwestern Syria have, over the past few days, relocated many of their posts near the international Aleppo-Latakia Highway, also known as the M4.

These moves prompted renewed talk of the intention of the guarantor parties (Russia-Turkey) to reopen the M4 Highway, which connects Syria from west to east and cuts through 70km in Idlib.

Various opposition military sources and HTS-linked sources told North Press that Turkey’s movements in east and south Idlib are not for the purpose of reopening the international highway.

“Currently, it is not in Turkey’s interest, especially since it is in a strong position, unlike Russian forces fighting a fierce war in Ukraine,” the sources stressed.

Mustafa Bakour, spokesperson for the ‘Army of Glory’ (Jaysh al-Izza), which is affiliated with the opposition, told North Press that the Turkish forces’ repositioning of many posts to the contact lines with government forces, particularly in eastern Idlib, “is not a lead-up to the reopening of the M4 international route in agreement with Russia and the Syrian regime…It is quite the opposite.”

Bakour noted that the purpose is “to take a more effective combat position in anticipation of a possible military action by the regime and Russia in light of Russia’s noncompliance to its agreements with Turkey in Astana.”

He stressed that it is highly unlikely that the M4 will be opened in the near future “because Russia’s situation does not qualify it to put more pressure on Turkey, who currently has no interest in reopening and letting the regime benefit from it.”

The M4 Highway runs from Latakia to Saraqib, southeast of Idlib. It also connects Ariha and Jisr al-Shughur in the southern and southwestern countryside of Idlib. Its length is 120 km. It arrives until Aleppo, and from there, it has been expanded as a two-lane expressway that continues further east into the Iraqi border, ultimately reaching its destination at Mosul.

Bakour noted, regarding the intention of the Syrian government and Russia to launch a new military operation, “since 2020, the two parties have been preparing to control liberated areas, and, at the same time, the military factions in the region also get ready for the coming days.”

“A military action against the Syrian regime will begin when the conditions are right, which was confirmed by the leader of the HTS, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, in a speech last week, when he vowed to control Aleppo city,” he added.

Abu Muhommad al-Julani said late in May that the map of battles will be changed in Aleppo in the coming two years.

“Aleppo is the gate to Damascus and it will be under focus for one or two years,” al-Julani added during the revolutionary conference of IDPs in Aleppo and Idlib.

Abu al-Tahir al-Halabi, a military commander in the Saad Brigade, affiliated with HTS, believes “there is no possibility” for opening the M4 now “because it would increase the legitimacy of the Syrian regime in the global arena.”

He noted that “the opposition’s military factions attempt to impose their power on the ground to show they still have the power to return and reclaim what they have lost over the past few years in a short period.”

He noted that the possibility of launching a military operation by armed factions in northwest Syria is “bigger than ever because it will enable them to strengthen their position in the international community, particularly the Arab world.”

“Actually, if support is provided, it will be easier, especially if it is unconditional,” he added.

Reporting by Mo’ayed al-Sheikh