Rescued from ISIS captivity; 6 Yazidi women taken from Syria to Iraq

RAQQA, Syria (North Press) – Yazidi activist Nadia Murad announced on Saturday the rescue of six Yazidi women who had been held captive by the Islamic State (ISIS) since 2014.

Murad said in a statement, “The women were still children and teenagers when they first taken captive in 2014. Trafficked out from Iraq into Syria, they were rescued on Saturday morning.”

The women, who were flown back to Erbil to reunite with their families, were provided “all the psychological support they need,” Murad said.

Murad hailed the role of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechervan Barzani, in bringing the women back, but she did not mention any effort by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Murad, a sexual violence survivor, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for her efforts to end sexual violence as a weapon of war.

Reporting by Ahmad Othman