ISIS reveals toll of operations in Syria, Iraq, Africa, Asia

DAMASCUS, Syria (North Press) – Islamic State (ISIS) revealed on Friday the toll of its operations in Syria, Iraq, and areas in Africa, and Asia.

Al-Naba online ISIS-linked newspaper said in a statement “the group conducted one operation in Syria in the government-held areas, as a result a police officer was killed and four soldiers were wounded in targeting their car in Masakin Barza in the countryside of Damascus.”

The newspaper added that the group’s militants carried out another operation against the Iraqi army north of Baghdad, targeting an Iraqi soldier in the town of Tarmiyah.

In West Africa, the group carried out six operations, killing and wounding 11 individuals. ISIS claimed responsibility for an operation in a province in Central Africa, in which three individuals were killed and wounded, as it claimed another in Khorasan, killing one individual.

The group also claimed another operation in the Sahel in Africa, killing and wounding seven.

Lately, ISIS’ activities and risk have record a significant increase despite the operations carried out by the US-led Global Coalition and its partner forces to defeat the group.

Reporting by Maher Mustafa