Senior member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts assassinated

DAMASCUS, Syria (North Press) – Member of the Assembly of Experts for Leadership of Iran, Ayatollah Abbas-Ali Soleimani, was assassinated on Wednesday morning in Iran’s northern city of Babolsar.

“Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani, a former Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, was killed this morning in an armed attack… the assailant was also arrested and is now being investigated,” IRNA news agency reported, citing Rouhollah Selgi, the deputy governor of the province for security affairs for the northern province of Mazandaran.

Selgi added that the motive of the gunman is not clear yet, adding that the public will be informed as soon as the issue is clarified.

It is worth mentioning that Iran always claims and accuses Israel of carrying attacks on its territory including destroying nuclear plants and assassinating senior personnel.

Reporting by Saad al-Yazji