130th Russian-Turkish joint patrol launched in Syria’s Kobani

KOBANI, Syria (North Press) – Russian Military Police (MP) conducted on Monday a joint patrol with the Turkish forces in the western countryside of Kobani, northern Syria.

This is the 130th  joint patrol between the two forces in the region since the signing of the Russian-Turkish ceasefire agreement in northeast Syria.

In October 2019, following the so-called Turkish military operation “Peace Spring” in areas of northeast Syria which resulted in the occupation of Tel Abyad, north of Raqqa, and Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) north of Hasakah, the Turkish president signed two ceasefire agreements, one with Russia and the other with the US.

The ceasefire agreements stipulating halt of all hostilities there and the withdrawal of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) 30 kilometers in depth away from the Turkish border in addition to conducting joint patrols with Russia in order to monitor the implementation of the agreements.

The patrol, which consisted of eight Russian and Turkish military vehicles accompanied by two Russian helicopters, set off from the village of Ashma, 20 km west of Kobani.

The patrol passed the villages of Charqli Fouqani, Qeran, Dikmadash, Khorkhoy, Boban and Gul Bey, reaching to Tel Shair, four kilometers west of Kobani.

After that, the patrol passed the villages of Sosan, Qola, Qara Qoy Tahtani, Pinder, Meshko, Jibna and Chareqli Fouqani returning against to Ashma where the Turkish armored vehicles crossed to Turkey while the Russian ones returned to the Russian base close to the village of Sirrin south of Kobani. 

On March 6, the Russian and Turkish forces conducted the 129th joint patrol in the eastern countryside of Kobani.

Reporting by Fattah Issa