Boat sinks off Libyan coast, kills 16 Syrian migrants

KOBANI, Syria (North Press) – A boat carrying 25 people – most of them Syrians – sank on Friday off the coast of the city of Tobruk, in Libya’s east, killing 16 Syrian migrants heading to Europe.

A young man from the city of Kobani, northern Syria, who lives in Libya, said, under the condition of anonymity, that ten of the victims are from Kobani, six of them belong to the same family, three are from Afrin, northwest Syria, and three others are from different parts of Syria.

The boat sank while it was trying to reach a bigger vessel, according to the source.

In addition, six other passengers were rescued. The fate of the rest is still unknown, the source added.

On October 5, a boat carrying Syrian migrants, who were heading towards Europe, sank off the coast of Algeria, killing at least 14 Syrians, most of whom were from Kobani.

Reporting by Fattah Issa