SNA commander uses fake names to steal quake aid in Syria’s Jindires

AFRIN, Syria (North Press) – A commander within Ahrar al-Sharqiya, a Turkish-backed faction within the Syrian National Army (SNA), is stealing humanitarian aid meant for earthquake victims in Jindires, northwest Syria, a local source told North Press on Saturday.

Abu al-Aina’ al-Deri, a commander within Ahrar al-Sharqiya, established a shelter housing his gunmen in the town of Jindires for the purpose of “stealing humanitarian aid” by using fake names, according to the source.

On February 6, a devastating earthquake hit southern Turkey and northwestern Syria, killing about 50.000 and injuring many more, in addition to leveling thousands of buildings under which thousands were trapped.

Al-Deri takes NGOs to the shelter to register the names of people unaffected by the earthquake in order to get aid, which is already in short supply, the source added.

The commander stole winter supplies which he received from Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (AFAD), in addition to vouchers, handed out by NGOs, for $150 per family. Al-Deri has registered 180 fake families so far. 

Similarly, the SNA’s Sham Legion is imposing royalties on each NGO vehicle that enters the town through their checkpoint in the village of Tel Sellor, in Jindires, the source said.

On Saturday, a source on the field said that the SNA’s Jaysh al-Sharqiyah, Sham Legion, and Sultan Suleiman Shah (also known as al-Amshat) are colluding with the local council of Jindires in order to add the names of their gunmen to the list of earthquake-affected people, making them eligible to receive humanitarian aid and food parcels.

Reporting by Farouq Hamo