Unknown Gunmen Kill Two Civilians in Syria’s Daraa

DARAA, Syria (North Press) – Two young men were killed on Sunday by unidentified gunmen in the western countryside of Daraa, a governorate south Syria.

Local sources told North Press that Qasem Muhammed al-Masri and Bahaa Ibrahim al-Masri were killed on al-Alan road near the town of Hayt in the western countryside of Daraa.

The two victims had not joined any military formations affiliated with the opposition or others, the sources added.

Bahaa worked in firewood and olive oil business whereas Qasim worked in a bakery, according to sources.

The locals speculated that the targeting was for robbery purposes as that the area has previously witnessed many armed robberies by unknown assailants.

In July 2018, opposition factions and Syrian government forces reached an agreement, mediated by Russia, for the opposition-held areas of Daraa.

According to the deal, opposition militants who agreed to hand over heavy weapons, were handed special cards to protect them from prosecution, and allowed to stay in Daraa. Those opposed to the agreement were forced to leave for Idlib, which is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS – formerly al-Nusra Front).

Reporting by Mo’ayed al-Ashqar