Iraq renews determination to repatriate nationals from Syria’s Hawl Camp

ERBIL, KRI, Iraq (North press) – The Iraqi government renewed its determination to repatriate all Iraqi nationals held at the Hawl Camp, northeast Syria, as security bodies continue scrutinizing statuses of the 925 families returned up to now.  

Late on Saturday night, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani held a meeting to discuss the issue of Iraqi refugees in Hawl Camp.  

Minister of Interior and that of Migration and Displaced, National Security Advisor, director of National Security Apparatus, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, representatives from UNICEF and the International Organization for Migration and United Nations Development Program attended the meeting.   

They stressed “resettling Iraqis and addressing their issue humanely, continuing programmes to rehabilitate and reintegrate them as paving the way to repatriate them to their homes and to take necessary measures to overcome obstacles challenging them, according to a statement.

Prior to that, National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji described repatriating Iraqi families from Hawl Camp as “successful experiment.”

Al-Sudani said the issue of Hawl Camp is “two dimensional; humanitarian and security.”  

Every party is allotted a specific arena according to specification to accelerate and finalize the process, according to a statement released by al-Sudani’s office.  

The attendees called on the relevant countries to repatriate their nationals from Hawl Camp.  

In mid-October Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displaced told North Press that the number of Iraqi families returning home from Hawl Camp reached 925 families.

Every Hawl Camp’s returnee undergoes security scrutiny. An Iraqi committee was formed to meet families before being transferred to their areas.  

Two thirds of Hawl Camp, some 45 km distance to the east of the city of Hasakah, northeast Syria, are Iraqis in addition to foreign families and children representing different nationalities.

Reporting by Hozan Zubeir