Local gunmen announce curfew to pursue ISIS in Syria’s Daraa

DARAA, Syria (North Press) – Local gunmen announced on Saturday, through mosques’ loudspeakers, a curfew in the streets and neighborhoods of the city of Daraa with the aim of capturing strangers accused of belonging to the Islamic State Organization (ISIS).

A local source told North Press, “The gunmen announced that the curfew starts from Saturday afternoon until further notice.”

This curfew comes for the sake of raiding certain houses in the city and expelling unwanted families, according to the source.

The source added, “These strangers are accused of cooperating with ISIS to commit assassinations and kidnaping operations, as well as executing a suicide bombing attack on Friday, killing five people and wounding others.”

Since its establishment in 2013, ISIS has sought to find a foothold in south Syria notably in Daraa Governorate that shares border with Jordan and Palestine.

The curfew includes the neighborhoods of the city of Daraa, as well as al-Sadd and al-Moukhayam neighborhoods, according to the same source.

October 14, local gunmen announced a curfew in the town of Jasim, north of Daraa city, to pursue strangers accused of joining ISIS.

Reporting by Ihsan Muhammad