Iranians in KRI’s Erbil protest over Amini’s death

ERBIL, KRI, Iraq (North Press) – Dozens of Iranians rallied on Saturday in Erbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) to denounce the death of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iranian police.

Iranian refugees gathered in front of the UN compound in Erbil to protest against the death of Mahsa Amini, and to express their solidarity with the demonstrations taking place in the Iran.

On September 16, Mahsa Amini died in Kasra hospital days after being detained by the Iranian police for allegedly not complying with the country’s hijab regulations, sparking a wave of angry protests in different Iranian provinces.

Protester Maysoun Majdi told North Press, “We want our voice to reach the world. We invite KRI’s residents to extend solidarity with our people in east of Kurdistan.”

Iran has imposed a strict dress code for all women in the country since the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

Iranian Protester Arzo Kamankar demanded an end to the brutal practices of the Iranian authorities against women in her country.

Protester Joanna Timsey said, “No to the killing of women, no to the obliteration of their identity, and no to the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The protesters raised slogans calling for standing by women in Iran, giving them their most basic rights, and banning forced hijab. They wrote on the placards, “Women represent life and freedom.”

Protester Raya Qureshi said, “We will not be silent regarding killing women, the injustice must end in Iran and the whole world. Hijab in Iran is not optional but it is imposed by the Iranian regime from religious prospective for the sake of obliterating women’s identity and to create women-murdering patriarchy.”

Reporting by Suha Kamel