Clashes in Syria’s Azaz result in casualties

AZAZ, Syria (North Press) – A gunman was killed and three others were wounded on Sunday as a result of clashes – between young men from the town of Tel Rifaat and a Turkish-backed faction in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo Governorate.

An eyewitness told North Press that Mohammad Deek, a militant of the Turkish-backed Northern Storm Brigade, was killed and another member of the same faction was wounded. In addition, two of the young men, who were said to be civilians, were injured.

The reason behind the hostilities, which erupted near the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Mosque in the eastern neighborhood of the city, is yet to be known.

The city is witnessing a state of security tension, the source added.

Local sources reported that the faction mobilized its militants in the city. The move coincided with the departure of an armed group, which is believed to be affiliated with the young men, from the town of Sijo on the Turkish-border to Azaz.

The city of Azaz in Aleppo northern countryside has been under the control of the Turkish-backed opposition factions, also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA), since July 2012.

Reporting by Farouq Hamo