Contact lines in northeast Syria have not changed militarily: SDF

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – There is no change in the position of military forces on the contact lines in northeast Syria, an official in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Sunday evening.

“There is no change in the deployment and movements of the Syrian and international military forces, including the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries on the contact lines in northeast Syria,” head of the SDF Media Center, Farhad Shami, said.

“Turkey, through its mercenaries, is trying to provoke our forces, which are committed to self-restraint and the de-escalation understandings,” Shami added.

Recently, media outlets have cited Turkish officials’ statements including Turkish president Erdogan over an imminent military operation to be carried out in the town of Tel Rifaat in Aleppo northern countryside and other areas in northeast Syria. 

The Turkish threats against northeast Syria continue and are already implemented by destabilizing the region, inspiring terrorist sleeper cells, bombarding border areas with Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and targeting the residents with drones.

Reporting by Muhammad al-Qadi