SDF denies killing of its militants, refutes Turkey’s story

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – On Friday, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) refuted allegations by Turkish Ministry of Defense about the killing of its militants in areas held by Turkey in northeast Syria.

The SDF Media Office, through its official website, issued a statement, saying, “The Turkish Ministry of Defense claimed, through its official outlets on social media, that our fighters carried out an attack on bases of the occupiers in the area falsely called (Peace Spring), killing nine of our fighters.”

“This news is false and comes within the framework of the occupation’s attempts to justify its attacks against our areas,” the SDF stressed.

“Turkish forces have not committed to the ceasefire agreements for two years, and are continuing to violate them by bombing residential areas,” Aram Hanna, official spokesperson for the SDF, said on October 7.

On October 9, 2019, the Turkish forces along with their affiliated armed factions invaded the two cities of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and Tel Abyad after the withdrawal of the American forces.

“The international community and the countries involved in the Syrian issue are silent regarding these violations,” Hanna added at the time.    

He pointed out that the number of ground attacks on the areas of Tel Tamr, Zergan and Ain Issa in the past two years amounted to 433 with heavy weapons and drones, and 86 attempts to advance which were repelled and thwarted by the SDF.

After bloody battles with the Turkish forces, the SDF withdrew from the border areas according to two ceasefire agreements with Washington and Moscow.

Hanna indicated that the Turkish forces are trying to “create a state of chaos and instability, and displace the population from their homes in order to carry out the process of demographic change.” 

“The Turkish attacks affect our efforts in the fight against terrorism and the pursuit of ISIS sleeper cells that have been active in the occupied areas, which are considered fertile ground for terrorism.”

On June 8, the SDF denied conducting any activity against Turkish forces in the regions of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and al-Bab, northern Syria.

A day earlier, the Turkish Ministry of Defense said, members of the SDF opened fire on “Turkish Commando Forces” and announced the “killing of six of them.”

The SDF Media Office issued a statement regarding the news which it described as “fake” saying: “The Turkish occupation Ministry of Defense published a fake news yesterday about our fighters’ targeting the regions of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and al-Bab.”

On May 23, the SDF Media Office denied launching any attacks on the Turkish forces’ locations in northeast Syria.

On March 8, the SDF said that what the Turkish Ministry of Defense “claimed” about the killing of seven of its members in north Syria, and damaging a VBIED, was baseless.

The SDF media center issued a statement in which it announced that the allegations of the Turkish Ministry of Defense about the killing of seven of our fighters and damaging a VBIED in the so-called areas of “Euphrates Shield” are unfounded. 

Reporting by Muhammad al-Qadi