New Iranian fuel ship arrives Lebanon

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – Yesterday, on Thursday evening, the National News Agency (NNA) in Lebanon said that Hezbollah announced, in a statement, the arrival of the second ship loaded with fuel coming from Iran to the Syrian port of Banias. 

On August 19, Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah, announced the departure of a ship carrying fuel from Iran to Lebanon, noting that the second ship would sail from Iran in a few days.

Earlier yesterday, the Iranian Mehr News Agency (MNA) reported that the fifth convoy of Iranian diesel tanks crossed the Syrian border into Lebanon.

A new convoy of diesel trucks entered Lebanon through the Syrian border on September 22, according to al-Mayadeen TV.

On September 16, activists posted a video of trucks loaded with diesel crossing the Lebanese-Syrian border on social media.

On September 19, the ship tracking website Tanker Trackers announced the move of a third Iranian oil tanker towards Lebanon.

Tanker Trackers tweeted that the third tanker carrying Iranian fuel, designated for delivering fuel to Hezbollah in Lebanon, is loaded and on the way to Lebanon.

Lebanon is witnessing a shortage of energy supplies, a sharp rise in food prices and the most severe financial crisis in its history.

The Central Bank recently announced the lifting of fuel subsidies, which aggravated the financial and economic situation in the country, while the World Bank described the crisis in Lebanon as the worst on the global level in a century and a half.

Reporting by Muhammad al-Qadi