Mutual bombing in Syria’s northwest

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – On Monday, the de-escalation zones in the Idlib, Lattakia and Hama regions in northwest Syria, witnessed a renewed exchange of bombing between Turkish-backed armed opposition groups and Syrian government forces. 

The government forces bombed the town of al-Bara, Balyon, al-Fatira, Kafr Oweid and Sufuhn in Zawiya Mountain, south of Idlib with missiles and heavy artillery shells, military sources told North Press. 

The bombardment coincided with intensive flight of Russian drones and warplanes over Idlib and the countryside of Hama, Aleppo and Lattakia, the sources added.

In return, the al-Fath al-Mubin Operations Room bombed the sites of the government forces in the city of Kafr Nubul, the towns of Hazarin and Ma’arat Hurmah and the village of al-Dara al-Kabira south of Idlib with rockets and heavy artillery shells.

The sources pointed out that al-Fath al-Mubin Operations Room also shelled the government forces’ gatherings in Jurin Camp, west of Hama and the town of Salma in the countryside of Lattakia with heavy artillery shells.

The regions of northwest Syria has witnessed an unprecedented military escalation and mutual shelling between the armed groups and the government forces, which resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries, including civilians.

Reporting by Bara’ al-Shami