Girl wounded by celebratory gunfire in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor

DEIR EZ-ZOR, Syria (North Press) – On Friday night, a girl was shot by the Syrian government forces and their affiliated groups, east of Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria, rejoicing at the victory of the current president, Bashar Assad, in the presidential elections.

Late Thursday night, the Syrian government announced that Syria’s President Bashar Assad has been re-elected with 95.1% of the vote.

A local source in the town of Baghouz, east of Deir ez-Zor, told North Press that the government forces and affiliated groups fired indiscriminately towards the town of Baghouz, which is held by the Syrian Democratic Forces, to celebrate the success of Assad in the elections.

The source added that a girl was wounded and transferred to Hajin Hospital for treatment.

Reporting by Anwar al-Midan