Government forces bomb opposition’s fortifications in Syria’s Idlib

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – On Wednesday, the Syrian government forces bombed sites of opposition groups within the de-escalation zone in the south of Idlib governorate, northwest Syria. 

The government forces renewed their artillery and missile strikes on sites of the opposition groups in the villages and towns of Zawiya Mountain, south of Idlib, military sources of the opposition told North Press. 

The bombing affected the towns of Kafr Nabl, al-Fatira, Kansafra and the outskirts of Fleifel in Zawiya Mountain region in the southern countryside of Idlib, the sources added. 

The bombing coincided with intense flight of Russian warplanes and drones over Idlib, the countryside of Hama, Latakia and Aleppo, without any air strikes being recorded.

The military escalation comes within the de-escalation zone, between the Syrian government forces and pro-Turkish opposition groups, despite the validity of the ceasefire agreement, which has entered its second year.

Reporting by Samir Awad