The Turkish predicament

Turkey lost its role as the southeastern wing of NATO against the Soviet Union with the end of the Cold War. Turkish politicians tried to search for a Turkish role in the post-Cold War world, such as President Turkut Ozal, who said that Turkey’s vital sphere is the Turkish world extending from the Aegean Sea to Turkestan in northwestern China, where the Uyghur people live, an idea in line with Turanism.  It contradicts Ataturk’s nationalism, which restricted Turkish nationalism to the borders of the Turkish Republic, which was established in 1923.

After his accession to the position of Prime Minister in 1996, Necmettin Erbakan, the leader of the Welfare Party, proposed that the Turkey’s domain is in the South and not in the West, as Ataturk thought since the 1920s. Erbakan proposed the idea of ​​a common economic market that included Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and perhaps this precipitated the February 28, 1997 coup against him. This was more than a coup by secular officers against an Islamic prime minister, as Washington was not satisfied with lifting the blockade on Iraq or with the idea of ​​a common economic market in the Middle East.

When the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power through the November 2002 elections, it was clear that Washington was satisfied with Islamists who could form an Islamist wall against al-Qaeda, which had struck the Twin Towers in New York only 14 months prior. There were many American indications that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an American model for the Islamic world in the post-September 11, 2001 period, which coincided with the start of negotiations between Washington and the Muslim Brotherhood, who appeared in Cairo and Baghdad and participated in the Egyptian People’s Assembly elections. In 2005, they won the equivalent of a quarter of the seats, and the Iraqi Islamic Party entered the government of Nuri al-Maliki in 2006, breaking the Arab Sunnis’ boycott of the political process that followed the US occupation of Iraq.

Here, if the American satisfaction with Erdogan produced American winds for his sails, then Erdogan had his own project for Turkey after the Cold War, which is the neo-Ottoman tendency that became apparent with the start of the so-called Arab Spring in 2011. At this time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s flavor of political Islam led the waves of uprooting regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya with US and Turkish support, and Washington and Ankara sponsored the Brotherhood’s Islamic edition of the Syrian opposition through the formation of the National Council and the Coalition in 2011 and 2012. When Erdogan visited Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia in the fall of 2011 after the fall of Mubarak, Gaddafi, and Zayn al-Abidin bin Ali, his appearance was reminiscent of the view of Sultan Selim in Cairo after the defeat of the Mamluks in the Battle of Ridania in 1517, and he, in turn, did not hide that he was the second coming of the Sultan.

Erdogan did not celebrate for long, as the American support for Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s coup against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt on July 3, 2003 was not only a coup against President Mohamed Morsi, but a coup against the Muslim Brotherhood, and it seems that a major American review took place. After Islamists assassinated the US ambassador to Libya on September 11, 2012, and after discovering that the Islamists of Mali had received weapons from Libyan Islamists during the French campaign in Mali at the beginning of 2013, Washington came to conclusions that the new day would dawn in post-Gaddafi Libya. This is what Washington made through the NATO campaign against Gaddafi. This is not favorable to US interests, if it is not productive of a situation hostile to the United States of America.

US support was also evidenced by the attempt of the 15th of July 2016 coup against Erdogan by a Turkish military. At the time this was the biggest manifestation of US-Turkish tension since the 9th of August 2016, which is what it led to building a deep relationship, the outcome of which was the Russian S-400 missiles that were sold to Turkey and a Russian gas pipeline that reached the Turkish mainland through the Black Sea to be distributed to European countries. This tension also manifested in Turkish-Russian cooperation in Syria, the outcome of which was Russian-sanctioned Turkish control over the regions of Jarabulus, al-Bab, Azaz, Afrin, Tel Abyad, and Sere Kaniye between 2016 and 2019.  

Despite the convergence with Moscow, and despite the gains that the Turks gained from Putin, they have been put in a dilemma, which is that Ankara cannot sustain its game of playing the White House and the Kremlin off of each other. Rather, it must eventually choose one of them; Erdogan cannot choose Russia, as this will lead to major American strikes that could bring it to its knees. At the same time, there are many indicators of tension with the US, and its potential escalation with the Biden administration.

In fact, Erdogan was able to play Moscow and Washington as he obtained gains from Putin in Syria and the Caucasus during the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, and in return Erdogan took a green light from America for his intervention in Libya since the fall of 2019, as long as the Turkish intervention was impeding the Russian expansion in Libya.

It is now clear that Biden will not allow the continuation of Turkish games between Washington and Moscow, but will put Erdogan in the narrow corner to force him to choose between two options, either Scylla or Charybdis.