Ilham Ahmed congratulates Biden and his Vis president Kamala on victory in US presidential elections

HASAKAH, Syria (North Press)- On Sunday, Ilham Ahmed, the chief executive of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), congratulated on Sunday, the US President-elect Joe Biden, and Vice President, Kamala Harris after winning the presidential elections.

She tweeted on Sunday “I am looking forward to working with you.”

“Nothing more joyful for us than seeing how democracies peacefully transition leadership through election not through conflict,” she added.

She said “With your help, new Syria can have a great democracy like the U.S.”

On Saturday, Joe Biden won the 46th president of the United States of America after obtaining more than 270 votes from the Electoral College, which is the number that decides the competition for the White House.

Kamala Harris also, won the vice presidency, so that she became the first woman to win the position in the US election history.

Mazloum Abdi, Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), congratulated on Sunday, the US President-elect Joe Biden, and Vice President, Kamala Harris after winning the presidential elections.

“We look forward to continued close cooperation with the United States to protect our gains in the fight against Daesh and build a better future for Syrians,” he added.

According to US law, the president-elect will take the presidential oath on his inauguration day, on January 20, 2021.

Reporting by Agid Mishmish