Calls for strike due to security chaos in Syria’s Bab

BAB, Syria (North Press) – Civil activists from Bab city, east of Aleppo in northern Syria, called on Wednesday for a general strike due to what they called security chaos and security forces’ inability to maintain the stability in the city.

Bab city, 30 kilometers south of the Turkish border, has been under the control of Turkish forces and its affiliated opposition groups since 2017.

Most of the city’s shops closed amid a state of anger among the civilians after the Tuesday explosion that resulted in a number of casualties and injuries, local source said.

Activists called over loudspeakers in mosques in the city of Bab for a general strike over the security chaos and mourned the lives of the victims of Tuesday’s bombing.

The explosion took place near the Kornish Roundabout, killing 21 civilians including a child, and injuring about 40, in addition to destroying surrounding buildings, local sources told North Press.

The Civil Defence teams documented the killing of 19 civilians, including four children, and the wounding of 82 others, including women and children.

Two days before the explosion, another explosion took place near a checkpoint on the outskirts of the city, causing the death of three members of the checkpoint and wounding eight policemen.

The residents held Turkish forces and its affiliated armed opposition groups responsible for the security chaos that caused civilians their lives, the source told North Press.

Reporting by Hoger Abdo