Casualties due to VBIED explosion in Syria’s Turkish-ruled city of Bab

BAB, Syria (North Press) – A VBIED exploded on Tuesday in the populated city center of Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

The explosion took place in the afternoon near the Kornish Roundabout killing 21 civilians including a child, and injuring about 40, local sources told North Press.   

The number of the casualties due to the explosion, that left a wide destruction, may increase, as there are critical cases including children and women, the sources stated.

On September 16, an IED exploded in the village of Barrazia in the countryside of Bab city, targeting a vehicle of an interpreter working for the Turkish base in the area.  

Since 2017, the Turkish-backed armed opposition groups have been running Bab city, 30 km away from the Turkish border.  

(Reporting by Khaled Hassan)