SDF: Some parties are seeking to drag us into war with Turkey

Sari Kani/Ras al-Ein – North-Press Agency
Hassan Abdullah 
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have linked the incident of firing a shell with actors seeking to drag them to a “devastating” war with Turkey, the shell was launched from the city of Sari Kani/Ras al-Ein, northeastern Syria into the Turkish territories, which hit the Turkish border-town of Ceylanpınar on Monday evening, some civilians were injured due to its fall on a house.
SDF had immediately condemned the incident and issued an official statement regarding the incident, the statement pointed out to people who want to create strife to destabilize the region, but the Turkish army was quick to react and therefore had targeted several SDF positions with rockets on the villages of Alok and al-Aziziyah, in Ras al-Ein countryside.  

The targeted points were previously identified, according to the statement of the Turkish Ministry of Defense, the Turkish side also fired indiscriminate bullets at the populated areas of Ras al-Ein, according to a military source.  

Imad Meno, the commander of Ras al-Ein Military Council, told North-Press that the suspects in the incident of firing a shell into the Turkish territories: “is still under investigation to find out the background and motives of those persons to ignite strife and war between SDF and Turkey”.  

Meno said that they did not respond to the Turkish shelling to block the outbreak of war and to cut the pretexts of Turkey in igniting a war in the region, stressing that they are “ready to face any developments”.
Meno confirmed that the US-led Global Coalition monitors the situation on the borders periodically, and the detection and surveillance aircraft observe the situation from the sky of the city. 

The day after the shelling, life seemed almost normal in the city market, and the residents expressed their refusal to any attack against their city or any move to destabilizing the region, stressing that targeting the stability of the region is not in the interest of any party. 

Population Views  
Mustafa Diwani, a 60-year-old resident of the city, says that the one who fired the shell into the Turkish side is seeking strife and should be punished for that, he stressed that igniting war in the city does not serve anyone. 

While Fadel Bozan 45 years has expressed his cling to his city and his readiness to face any threat.  

Ali Suleiman 50 years also expressed his feelings and his family’s with fear and panic as a result of the strikes, pointing out that they insist on staying in the city no matter what happens because there’s nowhere else to resort to.  

“The goal of the Turkish bombardment was a kind of psychological war, but people are used to these threats,” Suleiman said. 

Abu Raed 65 years, said: “We live in this country as brothers, we love each other and seek safety, and all of our people will face the threats”.

Idris Taher, a shopkeeper, said with reassurance: “The movement in the market returned to its normal status quickly the next morning,” adding “people are used to living with Turkish threats”.  

It’s worth mentioning that now and then, Turkey issues statements of establishing the proposed safe zone on the border strip within Autonomous Administration territories of northern and northeastern Syria, while the United States is making diplomatic efforts to prevent a clash between its two allies on both sides of the borders.