Demonstrators take down Turkish flags in Syria’s Azaz

ALEPPO, Syria (North Press) – Massive demonstrations erupted on Monday in the city of Azaz and the Bab al-Salama crossing in the countryside of Aleppo, northwestern Syria.

North Press correspondent said the large demonstrations were held in both the city of Azaz and Bab al-Salama crossing against Turkey and its policies.

The correspondent added that the protesters demanded the withdrawal of Turkish forces and the end of the racist actions against Syrian refugees in Turkey.

The protesters stormed the Bab al-Salama crossing and burned Turkish vehicles, and took down Turkish flags. The Turkish forces opened fire on them in response, causing causalities.

Earlier on Monday, hundreds of residents protested in front of Turkish posts in city of al-Atarib, western Aleppo.

By Saad al-Yaziji