HTS escorts Turkish posts in Syria from angry protestors

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) mobilized on Monday its forces to protect the posts of the Turkish forces stationed in northwestern Syria.

A source in the HTS told North Press that they mobilized more than 250 militants to protect Bab al-Hawa crossing gate and Turkish bases stationed in the city if al-Atarib in the western countryside of Aleppo, northwestern Syria, Zawiya Mountain, al-Mastouma and al-Nayrab in the countryside of Idlib.

The source added that the HTS militants informed the Turkish forces not to leave their posts and they will take the task of guarding their bases.

Earlier on Monday, the Turkish forces opened fire on protestors in the city of al-Atarib, as they used tear gas causing cases of suffocations.

By Hani Salem