Interim Government calls residents in Aleppo to restrain

ALEPPO, Syria (North Press) – The Syrian opposition’s Interim Government called on Monday the residents of northwestern Syria to restraint regarding recent events with Turkey to avoid further escalation and maintain deep ties.

The Interim Government stated in an official statement that Turks and Arabs have shared history and geography. In addition, both countries have shared destiny of the two people.

The statement condemned the extremist campaign against Syrian refugees in Turkey, who fled current conditions in Syria and the Syrian “regime.” They also condemned the attacks on Syrian refugees in the Turkish city of Kayseri.

The Interim Government called the residents to not be drawn into escalatory calls aimed at undermining the existing alliance between the Syrian and Turkish people.

Early on Monday, the Turkish forces opened fire on protestors in the city of al-Atarib, west of Aleppo, as they used tear gas causing cases of suffocations.  

The Interim Government highlighted the danger of these events being used by parties to affect the Turkish-Syrian ties.

By Saad al-Yaziji