Gunmen kill 3 people linked to government intelligence in Syria’s Daraa

DARAA, Syria  (North Press) – Unidentified gunmen killed late on Sunday three individuals allegedly with ties to the security apparatus of the Syrian government in the countryside of Daraa in southern Syria.

A local source told North Press that Unknown gunmen killed three people from the same family, including a child, in the town of al-Harra in the north of Daraa.

The gunmen indiscriminately shot at the house where Khaled al-Hawamida, Adnan al-Hawamida, and the child Jalal al-Hawamida were residing, killing them and injuring another in the attack.

The attackers also kidnapped Bassam al-Jarad, aka Hayhun, who was present at the house, taking him to an unknown destination.

The reason behind the attack remains unclear.

The source, however, pointed out that al-Hawamida and Hayhun were involved with the General Intelligence Directorate of the Syrian government forces.

Since 2018, Daraa and its surrounding areas have been witnessing a state of chaos and insecurity, with many incidents of killings occurring without any particular group taking responsibility for these attacks.

On June 26, unidentified gunmen killed two intelligence members of the Syrian government and a civilian in two separate attacks in Daraa.

In July 2018, the opposition armed factions and the Syrian government forces agreed to halt hostilities and reached a ceasefire agreement mediated by Russia in the opposition-held areas in Daraa.

Under the deal, the opposition armed factions agreed to hand over their weapons in exchange for staying in Daraa. Meanwhile, those who opposed the agreement relocated to Idlib Governorate, northwestern Syria, which is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) and the opposition factions.

By Ihsan Muhammad

Editing Ster Youssef