Locals detain officers in Syria’s Suwayda after Druze sheikh disappeared

SUWAYDA, Syria (North Press) – Individuals detained on Saturday morning a number of officers of the Syrian government forces in Suwayda Governorate in southern Syria after losing touch with a prominent Druze sheikh.

The individuals detained the officers after the heard the news about the appearance of sheikh Raed al-Metni, one of the area’s notables who is known for his opposition to the Syrian government.

The individuals detained two colonels, a captain and a sergeant who serve in the Security State Branch of the Syrian government, in an attempt to pressure the government to disclose the fate of al-Metni and release him.       

A source close to al-Metni told North Press that he was heading to his village, al-Kseib, to the east of the city of Suwayda when we lost touch with him.

He added that no information have been provided so far. But they accused the Security State Branch of kidnapping him.

The city of Suwayda has witnessed a tense situation that included road blocks and deployment of local armed groups amid fears of escalation between the groups and the government forces.

By Murhaf al-Shaer