SDF arrests ISIS member in Syria’s Qamishli

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on Saturday the arrest of a member of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Qamishli countryside in Northeast Syria.

The Military Operations Teams (MOT), a component of the SDF, arrested an ISIS member named Abdullah Muhammad Ibrahim, aka Abu Hisham, in the village of Abu Jern of the town of Tel Hamis, south of the city of Qamishli.

The SDF Media Center reported that Abu Hisham “was actively smuggling ISIS members and families out of the Hawl Camp.”

The Media Center added that Abu Hisham used to smuggle ISIS women and children, known as Cubs of the Caliphate, from the Hawl Camp.

“He aimed to transport them to ISIS-controlled areas in the Syrian Badia desert and Turkish-occupied territories that harbored the ISIS key leaders.”

By Jwan Shekaki