Government drone attacks on Aleppo kill 2 people  

ALEPPO, Syria (North Press) – Syrian government forces carried out on Monday drone attacks on Aleppo western countryside, northwestern Syria, that resulted in casualties.

The government forces attacked, with three drones, posts of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in the village of Maklabis, west of Aleppo.

The attack resulted in the killing of two people. However, North Press could not confirm their identities, as HTS-affiliated social media said the killed were civilians, while Syrian government-linked media outlets said they were HTS militants.

The attack also resulted in the injury of HTS militants, according to local sources. 

The HTS, founded in 2017, holds control over extensive areas in northwest Syria, including parts of Idlib Governorate and areas in the countryside of Latakia and Aleppo.  

The area witnesses continued escalation between the HTS and the government forces. Add to this, people of Idlib have recently taken to the streets in anti-HTS protests on the background of arrest campaigns.

By Ahmad Othman