SDC’s al-Meslet calls for peaceful democratic transition in Syria

HASAKAH, Syria (North Press) – Mahmoud al-Meslet, co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), called on Saturday for a peaceful and democratic transition in Syria.

Al-Meslet’s speech came during a mass forum that was held for the Syrian tribes by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) in the city of Hasakah in Northeast Syria.

He called for a de-centralized and democratic Syria, stressing the necessity of the unity of the Syrian people and land.

The SDC co-chair added that the tribes are the safety valve in the country, and invited them to plan the future of Syria through intra-Syrian dialogue.

The tribes forum entitled “Dialogue, Safety, Construction for Unified Decentralized Syria,” and was attended by about 5,000 people from all Syrian tribes, Christian figures and tribal sheikhs.

Mahmoud al-Meslet called on the Arab countries and allies to support Syria in confronting the challenges.  

By Ahmad Othman