Turkish forces shell villages, burn farmlands in Syria’s Manbij – SDF

MANBIJ, Syria (North Press) – Manbij Military Council of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Saturday Turkish forces and its affiliated armed opposition factions, aka the Syrian National Army (SNA), shelled inhabited villages in the countryside of Manbij, northern Syria, setting fire to farmlands.

The MMC said Turkish forces targeted villages in the western countryside of Manbij, setting fire to lands in the village of Ulashli stretching all the way to the village of al-Boghaz.

The fire extended to vast areas of farmlands and caused damage, according the Council.

In another statement, the Council pointed out the Turkish forces and SNA factions shelled the village of al-Jat in the northeast of Manbij with 10 shells.

Turkey frequently targets cities and towns in northeast Syria with drones, artillery shells and heavy weapons, causing casualties and material damage, especially in civilian property.

The city of Manbij and its countryside are militarily run by the MMC, which is one of the main components of the SDF.

The SDF supported by the U.S.-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS liberated Manbij from the Islamic State (ISIS) in 2016 following fierce battles.

By Ahmad Othman