Lebanese authorities remove Syrian refugee camp

DAMASCUS, Syria (North Press) – On Thursday, the Lebanese security forces removed a camp built by Syrian refugees in the city of Tyre, southern Lebanon.

The General Directorate of General Security in Lebanon issued a statement saying that a group of Syrian refugees had built a large camp on a public area using concrete and iron.

The directorate added that the refugees took advantage of the sensitive security situation in the south and the displacement of residents from their areas due to the shelling by Israel.

The statement added that multiple warnings were issued to the Syrian refugees, urging them to evacuate the camp that they had constructed in the Sharniyah area in Tyre, near the town of Burj al-Shemali. However, they refused to comply with the order.

The statement further mentioned that patrols raided and demolished the camp, and enforced the evacuation order.

The Lebanese-Israeli border has been witnessing tensions and sporadic skirmishes between Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah since the start of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7.

By Muhammad al-Qadi