Unidentified gunmen target HTS members in Syria’s Aleppo

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – On Thursday, unidentified gunmen targeted a vehicle of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra front) in the town of Darat Izza, western Aleppo, northwestern Syria.

An source told North Press that “unidentified gunmen targeted using machineguns a vehicle of the HTS’ General Security Service (GSS) on the road between Aleppo and Darat Izza, and managed to escape.”

The source added that attack resulted in the killing of a member and the injury of another, and they were taken to a hospital in the city of Dana, northern Idlib.

HTS blocked the roads leading to the scene and prevented anyone from approaching the place, with the aim of identifying the perpetrators.

This month has witnessed five similar attacks against HTS’ checkpoints, without knowing the perpetrators, raising the number of HTS’ casualties to three deaths and 10 injuries.

By Hani Salem