Unknown assailants kill Asayish member in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor  

DEIR EZ-ZOR, Syria (North Press) – Unidentified assailants, believed to be Islamic State (ISIS) militants, killed a member of the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria (Asayish) on Monday in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria.

Bassam al-Saleh, a resident from the town of al-Sabha, east of Deir ez-Zor, told North Press that unknown gunmen riding a motorcycle attacked Jassem al-Saleh, 31, a member of the Asayish in front of his house while he was off-duty.

The attack resulted in the immediate killing of al-Saleh. The attackers fled the town while chanting pro-ISIS slogans, he added.

Two days earlier, a patrol of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) was attacked with machine guns in the town of Shuhail in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor without reporting casualties.

Although the SDF launches intensive security operations, the countryside of Deir ez-Zor frequently witnesses an increase in killing incidents carried out against SDF members, employees of the Autonomous Administration, tribal figures and civil residents.

The SDF keeps pursuing ISIS sleeper cells in Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside with the aim to maintain security and stability of the region.  

By Maher Mustafa