SNA faction storms wedding in Sere Kaniye over marriage refusal

SERE KANIYE, Syria (North Press) – Members of the Sultan Murad faction, affiliated with the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA), stormed a wedding on Saturday in the city of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain), northeastern Syria.

The reason behind these arrests stemmed from the father’s refusal to arrange his daughter’s marriage to a leader within the armed faction.

A local source reported that Abu Wa’el al-Homsi, a leader in Sultan Murad, forcefully entered the wedding of Muhannad Hamadi and arrested him with the bride’s father Haj Youssef al-Remo.

The arrest, the source said, took place after both were subjected to physical assault in front of the wedding guests. These actions were taken as a reprisal for the bride’s rejection of marrying Abu Wa’el al-Homsi.

“The detainees were transferred to the Sultan Murad’s headquarters in Tel Halaf in the countryside of Sari Kaniye under the pretext of conducting a security investigation about them,” the source added.

These repeated violations committed by pro-Turkey factions persist in the absence of proper legal oversight, often resorting to trumped-up charges such as terrorism.

By Hani Salem