Turkish-backed factions detain 15 people in Syria’s north

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) Military Police, affiliated with Turkish-backed armed opposition factions, aka Syrian National Army (SNA), arrested on Saturday 15 individuals, while they were trying to get into areas held by the Autonomous Administration of North and east Syria (AANES).

An exclusive source told North Press that two Military Police patrols, in collaboration with Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction, affiliated with the SNA, arrested 15 individuals while they were trying to cross M4 Highway, from the village of Tufaha to the village of Aiwa, north of Raqqa.

The detained people were deported from Turkey two weeks earlier, according to the source.

The Military Police transferred the detainees to Tel Abyad prison, north of Raqqa, under the pretext of a security suspicion. Later, six of them were released, while nine others remain detained, the source stated.

Tel Abyad has been under the Turkish occupation since 2019 following the so-called “Peace Spring” military operation that was launched by Turkish forces and the SNA factions.

By Hani Salem