NGO urges 12-month renewal of cross-border aid to NW Syria

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – Save the Children called on Wednesday for ensuring Bab al-Hawa border crossing between Syria and Turkey is kept open for 12 months at least so that lifesaving aid can get to the 4.1 million people in need.

Kathryn Achilles, the Syria Advocacy, Media and Communications Director at Save the Children, said, in a statement, “What children in Syria need is more access to aid, not less … Children and their families in North West Syria need the UNSC to ensure the UN’s access is sustained for at least 12 months.”

The UN Security Council has periodically extended a resolution allowing for aid to reach northwest Syria through Bab al-Hawa border crossing. It is the only aid going directly to opposition-held areas without passing through Damascus. A similar mechanism allowing for aid to reach northeast Syria through al-Ya’rubiyah (Tel Kocher) crossing with Iraq was vetoed by Russia and China in 2020.

The Security Council is expected to vote in the coming days, as the current six-month opening period expires on July 10.

Achilles said that 71,000 children are dependent on UN-funded nutrition programs for their survival.

The resolution would meet acute, life-saving needs of the 2.7 million people relying on assistance, support markets, create jobs, livelihood opportunities, and ensure that children and their families can reduce their reliance on humanitarian aid and build resilient, according to Achilles.

Reporting by Emma Jamal