Turkish forces shell villages in Syria’s Manbij

MANBIJ, Syria (North Press) – Turkish forces shelled on Wednesday inhabited villages in the countryside of the city of Manbij in northern Syria.

Manbij Military Council, a component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), announced that the Turkish forces targeted the village of Awn Dadat, west of Manbij, with heavy artillery and mortar shells.

The Council added that fire broke out in agriculture lands in the village of al-Muhsenli, northeast of Manbij, due to taking fire by militants of the Turkish-backed armed opposition factions, aka the Syrian National Army (SNA).

It has not yet provided information about the damage of the Turkish shelling.

Manbij region experiences frequent shelling and infiltration attempts by the Turkish forces and their SNA factions that result in casualties and material loss.

By Taysir Muhammad