QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Monday that Turkey will deport one million Syrian refugees to northern Syria without identifying a specific time for commencing the process.
Erdogan told TRT Haber that the his country has returned Syrian refugees “to their dormitories to start with briquette houses in the north of Syria.”
Turkey has built more than 19 settlements in Afrin region, northwest Syria, through using organizations like Living with Dignity Association, White Hands (Beyaz Eller), Rahma International Society, and other organizations which are funded by Qatar and Kuwait.
While the number of settlements built by Turkey with the support of Gulf countries, most notably Kuwait and Qatar, and Palestinian associations, has exceeded more than 100 in Turkish-occupied areas in northern Syria, according to North Press’ own investigations.
“But now we have a plan that 1 million refugees will return to the target.” Erdogan added.
The Turkish president also revealed that 560,000 refugees have returned to Syria.
Turkey has repeatedly – and illegally – deported Syrian refugees under the pretext of violating asylum laws and not amending their data regarding the temporary protection ID card, also known as Kimlik.
In March, The administration of Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey, north of Idlib Governorate, northwest Syria, revealed that the number of Syrians deported by the Turkish authorities to Syria in February amounted to 1.486 people, including women, men and children.Reporting by Emma Jama