Turkish bombing cuts off power to Syria’s Hasakah countryside

TEL-TAMR, Syria (North Press) – The electricity maintenance workshops of the Electricity Directorate in Hasakah began on Tuesday repairing the damaged power lines as a result of the Turkish bombing on the countryside of Tel-Tamr town, north of Hasakah, northeast Syria.

On Saturday, the power substation, north of the town of Tel-Tamer, went out of service, after being targeted by several Turkish shells, which fell near it and damaged the high-voltage lines.

“The Turkish forces occasionally target the vital installations and power lines,” North Press reported Faraj al-Furej, head of the line workshop in the Electricity Directorate in Hasakah.

“Our workshops monthly maintain and replace cables in this area, due to the indiscriminate Turkish bombardment,” he added.

This morning, the maintenance workshops began maintenance work, after coordination with the Russian forces, which escorted the maintenance workers to the damaged sites located in the vicinity of the Russian base and the village of Umm al-Keif, north of the town.

“About 500 meters of cables were damaged by the Turkish shelling,” al-Furej said.

The town of Tel-Tamr and nearly 50 villages around it, have been without power, according to the Electricity Directorate.

Al-Furej said that their workshops are currently working on maintaining the faults, and it is expected that electricity will be back on in Tel-Tamr and Hasakah, within the next few hours.

The line 66 has been mainly damaged, which led Hasakah stations to get out of service, as they share the same voltage, the office of Energy and Communications in Jazira region said on its Facebook page.

Reporting by Dilsoz Youssef